Women-only phone and online meetings
There are several places to search for Women’s Telemeetings
- The International website – SAA-Recovery.org
- Intergroup websites – national groups
- Telemeeting website – SAATalk.info
Groups choose where to list their meetings. Some meetings will appear on bother websites but others will not.
Both sites allow you to search for women-only meetings, or for mixed gender meetings. saatalk.info has a filter for GLBT focus meetings.
Telemeetings listed on the international website
There are many women’s focus meetings on the international website. SAA-Recovery.org/meetings
We recommend visiting that webpage, select ‘Telemeetings’ and in the three lines button set the filter to ‘women’.
“When we started attending meetings many of us were surprised to meet people who were enjoying life, experiencing freedom from the painful, compulsive behaviours that had brought them to SAA.”
Green Book page 20
Telemeetings on SAATalk.info
The following table is a list of meetings on SAATalk.info. Alternatively, go to the website and set the filter ‘attendance’ to ‘women’
“Meetings are the heart of the SAA fellowship. At meetings we emerge
SAA Green Book, page 10
from our shame, secrecy, and fear, into a community of people who
share the common goal of freedom from sex addiction. They give us
the opportunity to talk about our lives and our addiction with other sex
addicts, people who have had similar experiences and understand the
problems we face.”