These are MIXED meetings but are included so women know these are available.
Special focus meetings have been developed to bring people together with common problems.
Sex workers
We Are Priceless’ is a safe space where former sex workers, and current sex workers who are seeking to leave the industry, can heal together.
The We Are Priceless meeting webpage has information on the meeting. Please contact saa.xsw@gmail the group by email, see this document for further information – Former sex worker information – PDF
For people who are under 18 years
Due to the nature of our disease there are currently no meetings for people under 18 years of age. We do understand that sex addiction starts early. After all we share our experience to identify with each other and then focus on sharing about our recovery
We know this disease can start young. We want to help you, please read our literature on the international website
If you are in the USA call 1.800.477.8191
In prison
There will be more meetings and information on other SAA websites. For example, the UK website has two meetings one of which is Facing the Consequences. A list of other SAA websites is on the international website.
Members outreaching with prisoners on the international websites and others eg Southern California.
For information about SAA meetings in prisons in the USA, please contact us:
SAA Intergroup, PO BOX 4941, Stn. Terminal
Vancouver, BC, V6B 4A6
Sex offenders (levels 1, 2 or 3)
There will be more meetings and information on other SAA websites. A list of other SAA websites is on the international website.
Breaking the Chains meeting is a Zoom meeting for level 2 and level 3 sex offenders (2nd Saturday at 8:00 AM (US/Pacific), 4:00 PM (Europe/London). The meeting webpage has information and who to contact.
“As a fellowship, Sex Addicts Anonymous is open to anyone with a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. Some groups, however, have made the autonomous decision to gear their meetings towards a specific group within the fellowship. For example, there are meetings for men, women, gays and lesbians, sexual anorexics, professionals, and those who have committed felonious behaviors. Such meetings are to allow those of us who attend them to speak more freely, to get the opportunity to meet with others who may understand us better, or to better protect our anonymity.”
–Sex Addicts Anonymous, Tradition Three, page 82. (Emphasis added.)
Healthcare Professionals
The term Professional Community is used for people who may be assisting patients, or others to seek support from SAA. See the leaflet Introducing SAA to the Professional Community.
History of SAA professional meetings
The first meeting, the green book tells us in the stories, “of the first ten members, nine were involved some way with mental health services.” It was also reported that in 1980, eleven of the twelve worked as some kind of Health Care professional, and one was a Judge. Their need for anonymity was very high. Clearly, they would be called a Professional Meeting today.
On the meeting registration form, meetings can choose “Closed/12/New” or “Closed/12/All”:
“Closed/New” meeting locations are not published. Newcomers must meet with a member of the group before attending.
“Closed/All” meeting locations are not given to anyone. To attend, a local member must be contacted.
Suggested reading:
- “Dear Grace” article, “I’m a professional in my community …” on page 29 in The Outer Circle for October 2008
Caregivers Meeting in Austin, TX
Austin has meetings for licensed professional caregivers (therapists and clergy and independent medical professionals). Meeting locations are never published. Please email to, or call the SAA Info Line: 512-956-6868. Verifiable credential information will be required for attendance. Your email or phone message will be answered confidentially by a licensed professional.
Healing Professionals – Boundary Group
This is an online telemeeting for sex addicts within the healing profession. It is a closed meeting meaning that only people in healthcare, counselling, clergy, or other healing professions should attend. Please respect the group by agreeing to this boundary. If you would like to participate in this meeting, and/or to be on a contact list for support via phone/text/email, please contact the group consciousnow@gmail.
Healing Professionals in Southern California
This meeting is open to therapists, clergy, and medical professionals needing an extra degree of anonymity as we open ourselves to the healing we seek to provide others in a safe space. The time and location for this meeting are not published due to discretion and confidentiality.
Email basic information about your professional role to for more information, as well as for time and location.
Contact SAA headquarters
ISO of SAA, PO BOX 70949, Houston, TX 77270 USA
- in USA or Canada @ 1.800.477.8191;
- elsewhere, call +1-713-869-4902
“When asked about “Boundary Meetings” recently, an ISO staff member responded: “A boundary meeting is one with a specific requirement to attend, for example, a meeting for helping professionals only. There was once (maybe still is) a boundary meeting for very highly visible addicts, such as actors or politicians.”
– Sex Addicts Anonymous