
Connection is the solution to addiction

When we came to recovery we realised we had been looking for connection in all the wrong places.

Acting out partners didn’t give us what we needed, so we looked for other people or other behaviours. Eventually we ended up here and we have learnt that connection with other sex addicts helps us to focus on recovery and stay sober.

Connection replaces the addictive sexual behaviours we used to rely on.

The SAA Women’s Outreach Committee

Our mission is: “To reach out to all women who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior; to assist these women in connecting with other SAA women; to provide a safe place for women to reach out to other women for support and sponsorship; and to give women a voice in the SAA fellowship.”

Contacts around the world

This is a list of women-specific contacts taken from International and state-wide (Intergroup) websites. There are 61 Intergroups and most have a one email/phone number for all genders. If you ask to speak with a woman they can put you in touch. Remember it’s safe to speak to sexually sober men as long as both people respect each others’ boundaries.

International women
United 07766 075247 469-454-0565
Florida (+1) 407-906-7221
Central Florida(+1) 407) 906-7221
Bay Area, San Francisco(+1) 510 426-6420
Portland, Oregon(+1)971 266 0777

There are many places to find connections:

Several groups maintain lists of members seeking and providing contact information. (Women’s Outreach, Telemeeting Intergroup, LGBT Outreach). We often use the term ‘outreach’ for contacting people in the program.


We also connect at meetings with men and women. Listening to stories, looking for the similarities in our experiences and hearing the joy of recovery.

Women-only meetings, either Telemeetings or local (face-to-face).

Meetings might have email or phone lists of members who would like to be contacted. They will also be able to put you in touch with other women they know.

Mixed gender Telemeeting contact list

Mixed gender – Intimacy and Sexual Avoidance contact information is included in ISA Resources or email

It’s important for men and women to protect their boundaries to stay sexually sober. Have a look at our page on safety.

Read about connecting

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